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InvestChile attends the meeting “Investments in Aysén’s Development”

  • The event offered entrepreneurs and investors information on key sectors and opportunities in Aysén in the fields of energy, aquaculture, agriculture and tourism.

The event “Investments in Aysén’s Development” was held on Tuesday. It was designed to strengthen public-private sector cooperation in order to make economic activities more dynamic. The meeting was organized by the Aysén Regional Government, the Chilean Economic Development Agency (Corfo) and InvestChile.

Regional Governor Andrea Macías Palma, Regional Presidential Delegate Rodrigo Araya Morales, Corfo Aysén Director Humberto Marín Leiva and InvestChile Director Karla Flores Mardones led the event, which was also attended by various officials and representatives of Chilean productive sectors and investment groups.

The results of the strategic study “Value Offering of the Aysén Region for the Promotion of Investment” were presented. Its main purpose was to highlight the unique characteristics of the region and its attractiveness for investors. The process identified four sectors with significant potential: energy, aquaculture, agriculture and tourism.

The event highlighted the elements that set each sector apart, exploring specific business opportunities and establishing the importance of mechanisms for promoting coordination among public services and sectors in order to facilitate investment.

Public-Private Cooperation

Aysén Regional Governor Andrea Macías Palma stated that she is pleased to make progress on attracting investment to the region and that the collaborative work done with Corfo and InvestChile has been key. “We would like to note that this joint effort has allowed this work on the region’s value offering in the productive sector to be developed. We would like to highlight important niches such as non-conventional renewable energies, tourism, the aquaculture industry and the agriculture and livestock sector. With this clarity and the establishment of a regional governance model, we believe that we are in a position to take the reins and lead initiatives related to attracting investment. Moving away from the current proportion of 80% public investment and 20% private is a challenge for all of our region’s productive sectors and for the State.”

Regional Presidential Delegate Rodrigo Araya Morales explained that foreign investment in Chile has grown considerably in the past year compared to previous years. “The quantity of millions of dollars invested speaks to how we are perceived abroad: as a nation with a great deal of potential and stability. InvestChile has traditionally focused its work on foreign investment at the national level, but it is now partnering with the territories and regions. This shift is clear evidence of President Boric’s commitment to ensuring that investment reaches the territories as well. This mid- and long-term vision is fundamental and must be led by the Regional Government and consider all of the data.”

InvestChile Director Karla Flores Mardones highlighted the importance of collaborative work for creating attractive conditions. “The region can expect us to make a portfolio available. We have one

with US$28 million in various investment projects. Many of them could come to the Aysén Region, but the important thing is to create the conditions that will allow that to happen. This is long-term work. There are investments that can materialize together, but there are also many that take time. This is a process, and the idea is to do things well and create the conditions necessary for those investments to be developed here.”

She added that InvestChile is committed to working with and recognizing sectors with potential in Aysén. Its work consists of seeking out global investors who are interested in sustainable investments and specific niches, taking advantage of the unique opportunities that the region presents. “Aysén has extremely unique niches and opportunities. We are going to seek out investors around the world who have similar interests and facilitate those connections,” she said.

Humberto Marín Leiva, the Director of Corfo Aysén, noted the decentralization process that the corporation will undertake next year in an effort to support the Regional Government in this area. “Corfo’s Productive Development Committee is allocating resources for the region based on productive vocations. This is also linked to attracting investment. We are proposing the creation of an InvestAysén. This concept involves guiding the investments that we will make from the Aysén Region. Our region has notable comparative and competitive advantages as well as challenges that we must address. However, the main focus is directing investment and incorporating local residents’ opinions under the leadership of the Regional Government.”

The event marks the beginning of a new stage in the region, building foundations for a prosperous, sustainable and inclusive future. Aysén is seeing both economic growth and partners that share its vision of comprehensive development that contributes to the wellbeing of the community.