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ITF 2025 Summit: Transport Resilience to Global Schocks

21-05-2025 12:00 am Leipzig, Alemania
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The Annual Summit of the International Transport Forum is the world’s largest gathering of transport ministers and the premier global transport policy event. Every May, ministers responsible for transport, heads of international organizations, parliamentarians, and leaders from industry and academia meet for three days in Germany to discuss the future of transport through the lens of a strategic global topic.

InvestChile, in its role as the agency responsible for promoting investment, will accompany the Minister of Transport, who currently presides over the Forum. This event serves as a key platform for showcasing the Ministry of Transport’s tender portfolio for the current year, with particular emphasis on the tender for the use of roads to provide public transport services in Santiago and other regions of the country. The agency will organize and promote these tenders to the investors attending the Forum.


Patricio Álvarez

Líder Sectorial de Inversiones – Oferta Pública y Logística.